
I was asked by a fan to bring the radio player to the front of house. SSL issues with the majority of radio streams means in must be on its own page. Here it is.

Radio Archives

Making radio archives is our mission. We help radio make listen again services for their content.

We want you to spend your time making great radio, we will save you time setting up an archive.

Our first product for archiving is UPstream. This automatic server side tool records radio streams and converts them to a listen again stream in the cloud. Other products in development are chapter cuing for audio and an IP audio analytics package.

Podcasting Services

Since 2004 podcasting and its place in the ecosystem of audio and radio has been our focus of study. Podcasting’s steady growth over the last 16 years has opportunities for the radio industry.

In a 2018 masters thesis ‘Podcasting and its effects on the radio industry’ by lead Brian Greene shows that radio and podcasting have huge potential for synergy.

We also can help you with podcast marketing and production with our 35 years experience in audio.

Radio Consulting

We love to talk radio, but we also walk the walk making radio work for all.

We can help you build your radio station. Online DAB FM. Studio and home studio builds, pop up radio and licence applications. Transmission chain and radio branding are areas we can help you with.

If you are an established radio brand and want to explore new ways to generate revenue then talk to us.