radio is my bomb

despite what you might think i did not write this.  I am writing a manifesto for social radio, and I came across this. I know who wrote it, I remember it been written, I can not get over how sharp it still is. INTRODUCTION

    This is a second edition of a pamphlet which we brought out first in 1992. The first edition was concise and contained all the relevant information needed to get you interested in starting your own free radio station. The first edition was not an original idea. A magazine distributed through the anarchist press with the same name “Radio is my bomb” has been very popular with those interested in setting up radio stations. Our first edition did fairly well . Many thanks goes to those at “Catharsis” zine for standing in the photo-copying shop for hours on end to bring out the first edition. Some critics of the last edition said it was too technical and didn’t explain itself very well. ?? This was true for those without a good knowledge of basic electric’s. For this edition I have tried to broaden out the issues involved and also give insight into each subject and the technical detail. This book will also look at new areas such as the history of free radio and the history of politics in radio specially focusing on propaganda during the cold war and world wars. The technical area won’t have many new features. It covers basics such as equipment; studios; transmitters; aerials and relevant accessories. It will have the usual hints and tips picked up by stations in the past learning from our mistakes so you have the privilege of not doing the same. Continue reading “radio is my bomb”