Quick insight into my very small survey of my followers radio habits on a Sunday Night

National Network Radio beats local & internet radio streams. Lyric & RTE Radio 1 gaining most listens (remember the sample size was tiny). So the long tail of radio is not in the Stations listened to, so where is it? It would seem to be in the mediums chosen to listen. FM DAB Online On Demand and radio via the TV (Saorview) were all mentioned, about the only things not mentioned were WorldSpace LW SW and digital satellite. Radio finds us where we are regardless of medium, and this has to be good for radio and its audience, except it must have duplicity of costs for stations to be on a growing list of platforms. It was Sunday night and nobody tweeted from their car or outdoor in anyway. And back to the sample size. ~10 replies of 2500 followers (twitter / facebook) not bad meme interaction but technically a very small sample. Thanks to all who responded – Happy Radio.



Radio Free Derry


Radio Free Derry and its organiser Eamonn McCann talking about getting “Radio Free Derry” back on the air.

“Thats was the summer of ’69” (educated guess) but if anyone has more details, please comment.

a recording of radio free derry

50 years of Irish pop charts

The History Show RTÉ Radio 1 7 October 2012 

50th anniversary of Irish pop charts on radio

Colette Kinsella reports on the 50th anniversary of the first Irish pop chart on Radio Eireann