The Community Radio Charter for Europe (the AMARC Charter)

Recognising that Community Radio is an ideal means of fostering freedom of expression and information, the development of culture, the freedom to form and confront opinions and active participation in local life; noting that different cultures and traditions lead to a diversity of forms of Community Radio; this Charter identifies objectives which community radio station share and should strive to achieve. Community Radio Stations:

  1. Promote the right to communicate, assist the free flow of information and opinions, encourage creative expression and contribute to the democratic process and a pluralist society.
  2. Provide access to training, production, and distribution facilities; encourage local
    creative talent and foster local traditions; and provide programmes for the benefit,
    entertainment, education, and development of their listeners.
  3. Seek to have their ownership representative of local geographically recognisable communities or of communities of common interest.
  4. Are editorially independent of government, commercial and religious institutions, and political parties in determining their programme policy.
  5. Provide a right of access to minority and marginalised groups and promote and protect cultural and linguistic diversity.
  6. Seek to honestly inform their listeners on the basis of information drawn from a diversity of sources and provide a right of reply to any person or organisation subject to serious misrepresentation.
  7. Are established as organisations, which are not run with a view to profit and ensure their independence by being financed from a variety of sources.
  8. Recognise and respect the contribution of volunteers, recognise the right of paid workers to join trade unions and provide satisfactory working conditions for both.
  9. Operate management, programming and employment practices which oppose discrimination, and which are open and accountable to all supporters, staff, and volunteers.
  10. Foster exchange between community radio broadcasters using communications to develop greater understanding in support of peace, tolerance, democracy, and development