the first #radio arrest 100 years ago this month

1910 31st July Dr Crippen and his companion Miss Le Neve were arrested on board the the transatlantic liner Montrose in which they were escaping to America after the murder of Mrs Crippen in London being the first criminal to be arrested and brought to justice by means of wireless.


3 Replies to “the first #radio arrest 100 years ago this month”

  1. oh lets not blame radio! blame the justice system! the most exported <br/>justice system in the world. Britannia waves the rules. <br/>it a good story – and 100 years old. tnx for the new twist.

  2. Nah I wouldn’t blame radio. Was a great idea to radio the ship whoever came up with the original idea of doing it.Justice system! Big discussion, but for the most part I’d agree that it has very many faults (if that’s not too tame a description). The Cripen case has interested me from when I was a child after seeing a waxwork exhibit of him, I didn’t think he looked like a murderer 😀 but then I don’t suppose I’d seen any then.

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