Wireless Flirt

If this site had a blog roll the first link would be to Wireless Flirt. It is the supporting blog to a great radio show on Flirt FM. It is presented by (disclaimer: my good friend) John Walsh who is clearly passionate about all things radio. John produces and presents a monthly 1 hour radio show all about radio on Galway’s students station Flirt FM.

Currently Flirt FM is on summer holidays (yes some radio stations get a break) but Wireless Flirt is busy making future programmes.

A good sampler of the first year of programmes from Wireless Flirt was broadcast on Community Radio Day on Flirt FM.

Along with the blog each episode is archived on the programmes Mixcloud account for playback on demand.

John’s newscaster delivery is ideal for a radio show about radio, I can confirm he sounded just the same at 15 years of age! when he started on 80’s station Big Beat Radio.

Beyond the radio show the blog also exposes John’s writing skills. For example his article A Cure-head trapped in tranquillity: memories of KLAS 98.5 FM is a classic example of passionate writing of a subject close to his heart.

Year 2 of Wireless Flirt is about to kick off. Keep 3pm on the first Monday clear in your diary or wait anxiously like me for the podcast to drop within 6 to 24 hours after the broadcast.

August 14th 1967 – 50 years of Marine Offences Act

Next Monday marks 50 years since the introduction of the Marine Offences Act.

Radio.ie will be mark the anniversary with a series of posts. Do tune to Radio Caroline North from this Saturday (12th) for 4 days of broadcasts on 1368KHz via Manx Radio transmitters.

Get on board the Radio Train

Why not treat yourself to a trip in vintage carriages from the early 1960s, travelling behind a vintage locomotive to the Marble City of Kilkenny?

We will be re-creating the iconic Radio Train of years past – playing music with commentary during the trip along the line while you enjoy the journey through the landscape of the counties of Dublin, Kildare and Kilkenny. August 20th 2017 Get your tickets.

The Mickey Bradley Record Show

There are loads of great records out there. Mickey Bradley has bought, borrowed and blagged lots of
them since his teenage years and he’ll play as many as he can in two hours. Tune in for vintage rock, pop, and new releases, from Alice Cooper to the Clash, Dusty to the Divine Comedy, Slade to Soak.

listen in here

dude where did my listeners all go?

Percentage of adults (over 15s) listening to radio daily

2017 82%
2016 82%
2015 84%
2014 83%
2013 84%
2012 85%
2011 85%
2010 86%
2009 86%
2008 87%
2007 84%

There is no doubt that radio is popular in Ireland but percentages are great at hiding the reality. In 2008 there was a 3% jump upward in a single survey (3 months). What happened. Well hundreds of thousands of people emigrated. These young people are statistically less loyal to radio. Their older parents are more loyal. The population fell by over 250,000 as the financial crisis (which is 10 years old this week) sent our young to Canada and Australia and many places in between.

Back home the Irish Times attributed the rise in listeners to our radio audience loving gloomy talk radio about the economic crash with the troika in town. Nothing could be further from the truth. Younger less loyal radio listeners left Ireland leaving older more loyal listeners at home. The population and total available ears to hear radio fell by a quarter million and radios daily listeners increased 3% but only as a percentage!

The anniversary of the economic crash reminds us that the crash is older than the iPhone. Released June 2007 it went on sale in Ireland in late 2007. The iPhone has probably done more damage to radio audience than the economic crash. Not to the age group that emigrated and now returned and not to their analogue parents but to the next generation. The Gen-Zeds are growing up with mediated musical/audio experiences delivered by internet protocol and not served by radio transmitters. The iPhone has no radio chip enabled in the device. The next generation is gone. No new youth radio (Spin, Beat, iRadio) have come on air since the iPhone arrived and one such station has departed in this decade with the departure of TXFM (nee Phantom FM).

If an industry is in a time warp where the playlists are getting older and older meeting retirement / comeback / reunion tours of the artists they play then radio is in a decline. The percentages will hide it for a while but radio is lost on the young and it need not be so.

A reinvention can show that the old school social media that was radio has a part to play in the one to many style of entertainment so lost on the youth of today.

image: http://www.mirror-image.com/audioinfographic/