It’s Fran again… FM Subcarrier Broadcasting

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Max Zomboni found this article about PRN.

Published: May 21, 1981

The Physicians Radio Network, a round-the-clock service sponsored by several giant pharmaceutical companies, will discontinue broadcasts on May 31.

In 1974, Visual Information Systems, a division of the Republic Corporation, initiated the station exclusively for doctors – it currently reaches 80,000 physicians in 69 cities. Jay E. Raeben, president of Visual Information, said that his company had ”failed to persuade enough of the industry that the radio was a medium important to use.”

Transmitting on an FM sideband frequency, or subchannel, which could not be picked up on a standard radio dial, the network permitted doctors to communicate among themselves, more freely perhaps than might be possible before a listening lay public. This feature, however, contributed to the station’s downfall. The necessary special receivers were distributed to doctors upon request and without charge. Mr. Raeben said that the cost of manufacturing and mailing such equipment had diminished revenues substantially. Used by Advertisers

Physicians rank as the profession most vigorously sought by adverstisers, because their prescriptions largely determine the profits of billion-dollar drug companies.

”Surveys show that P.R.N. affected sales very positively, especially as it impacted new products,” said Robert E. Devinna, director of advertising for Roche Laboratories, one of the sponsoring companies. Eight minutes of every hour on the air are devoted to advertising. Programming focused on scientific breakthroughs and significant operations, such as the recent surgery on the Pope.

”P.R.N. rarely announces new drugs,” said Mr. Raeben, who also acts as managing director of the station. ”We made a very considerable effort to insure that programming was not in the interest of the advertisers.” If a new drug were announced, it would have to be newsworthy in itself, he asserted. May Turn to Journals

Mr. Devinna of Roche Laboratories thinks that some of the major drug companies that advertised on the network will probably turn more to medical journals now. He views this as ”shortsightedness of the marketing industry,” and added, ”Traditional advertising channels are cluttered – it’s a shame to see P.R.N. die.”

The end of Physicians Radio Network will apparently not work any great hardship on its originator. ”Republic Corporation does not expect to lose any money due to the termination of P.R.N.,” Rembrandt P. Lane, an executive vice president, said

He said that Republic had tried unsuccessfully to sell the station, which had, in fact, been profitable for the last three years. ”P.R.N. is a very small investment by a division of Republic Corporation,” Mr. Lane said, ”having a limited marketplace – and the 80,000 subscribing doctors paid nothing for the service or the radio.”

Mr. Lane declined to specify the operating expenses of the network, or Republic’s initial investment.

Joe King BTS inducted into IMRO Hall of Fame

Broadcast Technical Services CEO Joe King inducted into IMRO Radio Awards Hall of Fame.

Dublin September 22nd at the office of the BAI in Dublin BTS chief executive Joe King was inducted as a new member into the radio industries IMRO Radio Awards Hall of Fame.

King founded BTS in 1990 building on his experience of Broadcast Engineering. BTS has grown to be the number one Irish based broadcast engineering service over the last 27 years.

With engineering interests in National and Local Radio across Ireland BTS has grown in Europe, Middle East & Africa where its experience in assisting clients make the very best radio from transmission to studio.

Speaking about the award Mr. King said “I am immensely humbled by this accolade, often the well known household names of broadcasting are inducted, it was a wonderful surprise and honour to be told that as a broadcast engineer I was to be inducted into the IMRO Hall of Fame.”

The IMRO Radio Awards committee (formerly the PPI Awards) in conjunction with the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) inducts a select few members each year for their contributions to Irish broadcasting and for the achievements of the inductees across their careers.

Previous inductees include Irish Broadcasters Aine Lawlor, Gay Byrne, Gerry Ryan, Larry Gogan, Dave Fanning, Ronan O’Rahilly, Tony Fenton, Mario Rosenstock and Marian Finucane.

On the significance of the award Mr. King said “To be recognised among peers in the industry and awarded this high honour alongside other greats of Irish broadcasting is extremely flattering. Engineering is the back office, or snow-capped windswept mountain top, part of the operation and we are the people that keep the show on the road in all weathers. Radio is a tough business in Ireland but always rewarding, because if you love radio, that is passion that drives us.”

The award was presented by IMRO Chairman Eleanor McEvoy at a ceremony in The BAI offices in Dublin on Friday 22nd September and the induction will be completed at this years IMRO Radio Awards in Kilkenny on October 6th.

BTS staff would like to take this opportunity to congratulate it’s CEO on receiving this award and for his continued dedication and contribution to Irish broadcasting North and South and overseas.

4 more IMRO Hall of Fame inductees announced

At a ceremony held at the Broadcasting Authority of Ireland (BAI) offices in Dublin today, four new IMRO Radio Awards Hall of Fame inductees were announced. The IMRO Radio Awards celebrated the massive impact all four have had on the radio industry on the island of Ireland. Friends and family of Linda McAuley (BBC Radio Ulster), Séamus Mac Géidigh RIP (RTÉ Raidió Na Gaeltachta), Billy McCarthy RIP (WLR FM) and Joe King (Broadcast Technical Services Limited).

The IMRO Radio Awards Hall of Fame is a highly regarded accolade in the Irish industry and the four new inductees join names such as Gay Byrne, Larry Gogan, Ian Dempsey, Áine Lawlor, Candy Devine and Tony Fenton amongst others. The Hall of Fame celebrates those well-known names and those behind the mic that make Irish radio such an integral part of daily life.

Sean Murtagh, Chairperson of the IMRO Radio Awards Committee said “the Hall of Fame was established to pay enduring tribute to not just the well-known Irish radio personalities but also to those who worked quietly behind the scenes helping to make Radio in Ireland great. Today’s inductees are very worthy recipients of this accolade and held in the highest regard by their peers.”

“We are delighted to induct four of the most respected radio professionals on the island of Ireland into the IMRO Radio Awards Hall of Fame. Each of them in their own way has made an indelible mark on the broadcasting sector and they rightfully deserve to take their place alongside the many other great Irish radio luminaries who have been honoured by their peers over the years.” Eleanor McEvoy, IMRO Chairman.

Speaking at the event, Professor Pauric Travers, Chairperson of the BAI said “since its establishment, the Hall of Fame has marked, in a meaningful and personal way, the level of esteem in which those who are honoured are held by their peers. In their various and unique ways, each inductee reminds us why it is that Irish radio continues to engage, inform and entertain listeners, reflecting their passions, interests and concerns”.

Hall of Fame Inductees to date:
Micheál O’Muircheartaigh – RTÉ Radio 1
Jimmy Magee – RTÉ Radio1
Des Whelan – WLR FM
Marian Finucane – RTÉ Radio 1
Gay Byrne – RTÉ Radio1
Larry Gogan – 2FM
Mario Rosenstock – Today FM
Gerry Ryan – 2FM
Ronan O’Rahilly – Radio Caroline
Candy Devine – Downtown
Seán Bán Breathnach – RTÉ Raidio Na Gaeltachta
Joe Duffy – RTÉ Radio 1
Bill Goulding – RTÉ
Liam O’Shea – clare fm
Tony Fenton – Today FM
Paul Claffey – Midwest Radio
Áine Lawlor – RTÉ Radio 1
Walter Love – BBC Radio Ulster
Gerry Anderson – BBC Radio Ulster
Pat Balfe – Communicorp
Des Cahill – RTÉ Radio 1
Henry Owens – Red FM
Eamon Buttle – South East Radio
Trevor Campbell – Downtown Radio
Ian Dempsey – Today FM
Dave Fanning – RTÉ 2FM

International Association for Youth Mental Health – Radio

The Conference brings together leaders from around the world who are dedicated to creating positive change in youth mental health. At the core of that change is young people. Through youth engagement at every possible level, IAYMH is working towards making sure that the Conference empowers young people to make a difference.

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The legendary broadcaster Jimmy Maggie dies age 82

The memory man – sports broadcaster Jimmy Magee dies aged 82. Best known for his sports broadcasting he was the soundtrack to Irish Broadcasting coverage of Olympics and FIFA World Cups. Hr was also a journalist and famously was the first journalist on the scene after Nelson’s Pillar was blown up in March 1966.

There is a wonderful retrospective by RTE Sport online.

Object Based Radio

yah wha gay?

yes, object based radio. Imagine you are listening to The Archers on Radio 4 and Kate has a birthday surprise (spoiler alert that is an actual future plot 29/09/2017). And as the surprise is been plotted we can choose to hear the relevant dialogue and soundscapes in that scene from the point of hearing in the plotters room, or we can choose to hear Kate’s point of hearing as she approaches the “SURPRISE!”.

While the plot is real the ability to opt between points of hearing is not yet a reality in The Archers. But as a technology it is something the BBC R&D folk are working on.

As part of the ORPHEUS project the BBC has made the first ever object orientated radio broadcast.

More details of how they are doing this new radio feature is documented on The Mermaid’s Tears.

Ideal for drama. Other possibilities would be sporting, like Cricket commentary, but not on LongWave! Last Night of the Proms but not on FM! Now where would you like to sit? Radio’s fly on the wall has arrived, what will we create with this HD immersive interactive technology for story telling and remixing sound at the listeners receiving end.

I can see this as a must for audio in a VR AR Mixed Reality space where a single track audio experience would be as flat as a mono 78rpm record with no b-side.