How Inclusive Is Community Media, Really?

Sally Kane, CEO of the National Federation Community Broadcasters, has a question for community media: How inclusive are we, really? That’s the jumping off point for our conversation with Sally and her colleague Ernesto Aguilar, as they report back from the NFCB 2017 Conference, held in Denver, CO July 17 – 19. We discuss the value of focusing on what’s working in community media, as opposed to what’s not, creating a platform for true community voices, and embracing young generations of new community media leaders.

Total Eclipse of the Radio

Sky & Telescope / Leah Tiscione

With today’s (Monday August 21st) northern hemisphere total eclipse of the sun happening some radio stations will consider playing the Bonnie Tyler classic Total Eclipse Of The Heart. Remember don’t look directly at the sun as it will blind you.

Other more serious radio people will be experimenting how an eclipse (where nighttime happens during the day) will affect the radio bands.

In 1999 there was a total eclipse that touched Cornwall in the UK. At the time the Radio Communication Research Unit through promotions got 1700 people involved is a massive open experiment getting radio listeners to tune to 639KHz Radio La Coruna.

A paper on the experiments is available from RADIO AND THE 1999 UK TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE.

Today’s eclipse will cast a shadow around 18:30UTC and has a total eclipse around Oregon, Idaho, Wyoming, Nebraska, northeastern Kansas, Missouri, Southern Illinois, Western Kentucky, Tennessee, Southwestern North Carolina, northeastern Georgia, South Carolina.

If you are not on this path or shadow you might be able to tune in to a radio over the internet using Web based SDR. Try SDR.HU where there are a few northern hemisphere radios. This receive station ( is in Kansas City which is north east as you can get in Kansas.

If you want to take part in the experiments today see American Radio Relay League invite page and Sky & Telescope invite here.

The Luxembourg Effect

80 years ago Radio Luxembourg transmitted on 252KHz now home to RTE Radio 1.

But the power of Luxembourg unlike RTE was heating up the ionosphere causing what radio scientists call the Luxembourg Effect.

This is where signals mix in the ionosphere and carry the weaker and further away signal on the back of the strong signal.

Luxembourg Effect Research is still happening to this day into how this radio frequency trick can happen and how it can be exploited.

International Lighthouse & Lightship Weekend

After Radio Caroline, Manx Radio & BBC Essex remembered the Marine Offences Act 50 years on from a Lightship on Monday it is now International Lighthouse & Lightship Weekend!

via IRTS News

Plans are in full swing for next weekend Saturday 19th August and Sunday 20th August. Make sure you mark next weekend on your calender for the following event. We have a good number of clubs in Ireland planning to take part in the International Lighthouse & Lightship Weekend this year.
With over 378 stations being set up in 41 countries around the world, this event coincides with International Lighthouse Heritage Weekend and is intended to raise the profile of lighthouses, lightvessels and other navigational aids, promoting maritime heritage. Details of which can be found at and at

Hook Lighthouse – Fran Byrne

Dublin Podcast Festival

Want to see what is lined up for next months Dublin Podcast Festival? Details + tickets.

LIVE with Graham Hunter: Ireland World Cup Qualifiers focus with very special guests.
A Little White Lies Podcast (and Screening) with James Richardson
MASTERCLASS – The ultimate guide to creating a successful podcast with Ben Green, Senior Producer at the Guardian

Tests hiding in plain sight

c2009 Maryrose Lyons on the RTE’s The Business programme. cue point 22:21

Audio File #1

now using TIME​JUMP – DEEP LINKS FOR PODCASTS. TimeJump seemlessly adds deep linking capabilities to HTML5 audio and video podcasts. It works quietly behind-the-scenes to add a standardized API to your episode pages.

The older way of doing this was with

Vincent Hanley Comin’atcha

Last April 17th (Easter Monday) Tipp FM and Clare FM broadcast a documentary about the Fab Vinny.

If you are too young to remember when MTV played music videos all day long, you will be too young to remember when Vincent Hanley sent a weekly music video show back to Ireland for broadcast on RTE TV. It was called MT USA (Music Television USA) and it was light years ahead of the grey scale TV we had in Ireland at the time. So the bright lights of NYC and OUR Fab Vinny and the videos we could hardly see elsewhere were an oasis in an 1980s Ireland media desert.

Full Radio Documentary via FanningSessions on Mixcloud


LIVE BLOGGING this weekend…….

Monday 14th August

Tune in here

August 14th 1967: With the Marine Broadcasting Offences Act coming into force at midnight Radio London (Big L) closes down at 3.00pm after broadcasting its “Their Final Hour” programme. But a defiant Radio Caroline vows to continue.

East Point Radio marks 50th anniversary of the Marine Offences Act from Just Talking on Vimeo.

Monday 14th August 2017 on RTI, Radio Tatras International from Radio Tatras on Vimeo.

ABC (Australia) National News Report 13.08.17 – UK Pirate Radio

240p screen grab of BBC Breakfast this morning

Total geeky radio stuff. GB5RC station ‘radio caroline’ QSO on 80 meters yesterday.

Radio Caroline memories: part 1 from Isle of Man TV

Radio Caroline memories: part 2 from Isle of Man TV

Sunday 13th August

After 7.00am Monday Watch Johnnie Walker on BBC Breakfast

7.20am Monday – Tony Blackburn on Radio 4 Today Programme.

09.00 Monday – BBC Radio Leeds Stephanie Hirst will be playing an hour of 60s pirate radio classics on vinyl

10pm Sunday – 1am Monday and 6am – 4pm Monday Pirate BBC Essex on Air from light ship and Ross Revenge.

ABC: Radio Caroline: Golden age of British pirate radio remembered, 50 years on

BBC: The final days of the pop pirates

I think Tony Benn knew that the musicians sailed out the the ships with their records.

Saturday 12th August

50 years since the UK Government stamped down on radio pirates – and Manx Radio’s celebrating by commandeering Radio Caroline’s “MV Ross Revenge”.

Legislation to stop the practice sparked a constitutional row between Tynwald and Whitehall, and for four years, Radio Caroline North operated just off Ramsey. more…

Radio Caroline is on 1KW 1350KHz in Milan Italy.

Caroline North starts 10.30am tune in 1368KHz if you’re near the Irish Sea.

John Kelly’s Mystery Train returns to radio

The JK Ensemble is no more. Just after 2pm John Kelly announced that today was the last of his John Kelly Ensemble programmes. From September 4th the old iconic show with the very identifiable name returns.

Mystery Train ran on RTE from 2000-2006. Previous Kelly has broadcast with the BBC, The Eclectic Ballroom on Today FM and continues (TBC) his Radio Clash show on RTÉ 2XM.

Reaction has been warm judging by the replies. Welcome back old friend of a show. Train departs platform 3 September 4th 7pm on Lyric FM.

Hear the last John Kelly Ensemble on the RTÉ Radio Player.